Best Smart Phones – 1.1 Million User Reviews

We analyzed 1.1 million smartphone reviews, counting positive and negative mentions for Value, Camera, Battery Life, Display, Design, and Operating System. We calculated overall and category scores, filtered for reviews after 2022 and prices above $400. Filters are available for further refinement.

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Performance was measured using Sentiment Score across 5 key categories: Value for Money, Performance, Deisgn, Battery Life and Camera, with a minimum of 500 valid reviews per phone.

  • Sentiment Score: Number of positive mentions about camera, design, performance, operating system, value for money vs negative mentions. Every positive mention is +1 points for positive side, every negative mention is +1 on the negative side.
  • Total Reviews: Number of total reviews analyzed.
  • Valid Reviews: Reviews must be longer than 20 words and should focus on the product itself. If the review discusses issues like delivery, the service provider, or unrelated topics such as the reviewer’s experience using a phone, it will be considered invalid.
  • Total Negative/Positive: Number of positive or negative mentions about camera, design, performance, operating system, value for money.

Note: Filters are set to display phones released after 2022, but you can select earlier years as well. You can also customize column visibility to focus on the most relevant reviews and sort by any category. For example, sort by Camera Positive % to find the phones with the best-reviewed cameras.

You can scroll horizontally to see all the columns.

Product Name Brand Release Date Price Total Reviews Valid Reviews Positive Mentions Negative Mentions Sentiment Score Value for Money Positive % Performance Positive % Camera Positive % Battery Life Positive % Display Positive % Design Positive % Operating System Positive %

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